Joining as a Patron

Stratford upon Avon Choral Society was founded in 1836 - that's one year before Queen Victoria came to the throne! We have a long tradition of choral excellence, based on a shared passion for performing great choral music to the highest standard we can.

Our patrons are non-singing members who share this passion and who support the Society financially. Performing choral music to a high standard is expensive, particularly hiring professional soloists and a professional orchestra. It is the combination of a large and well rehearsed chorus performing with these professional musicians that makes our concerts so special.

Please consider becoming a patron.

We ask for a minimum donation of £95 per person for 2024-25. If you can make a larger donation we will be very grateful.

As a patron, you will also benefit in the following ways:

  • You will receive one free ticket for the November, December and March concerts.
  • You may request reserved seats for yourself and for a companion, for whom a ticket must be bought in the normal way.
  • You will receive a complimentary programme for each concert and a drink after the concert.
  • Your name will be listed in our concert programme as a Patron (or you can choose not to be listed).
  • Patrons are non-singing members of the society. You will receive the Society’s newsletters and an invitations to members' social gatherings.
  • As a member, you will be invited to attend and will be able to vote at General Meetings of the Society.

If you would like to become a patron, please contact Janice Walker: or print off and complete this form. Please email or post it to the address on the form.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Stratford-upon-Avon Choral Society